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District Boundary Map

City of Turlock Ordinance No. 1197-CS (TMC 2-1-05,06, and 07) stipulates that Council members of the two even-numbered districts shall be elected by-district in November 2016 for a term of four (4) years and Council members of the two odd-numbered districts shall be elected by-district in November 2018 for a term of four (4) years.

A Council member of each district must live in that district and must be a registered voter in that district to be eligible to hold the office of Council member for that district, and a candidate for any district must live in that district and must be a registered voter in that district to be eligible to run for the office of Council member for that district. Only voters who live in a district shall be eligible to vote in the election for Council member of that district.

District Boundary Map

Other Links in the Turlock City Council Section

Council Meetings
Form of Government

To leave a phone message for the Mayor or any City Council Member, please call the Administrative Services Division at City Hall, (209) 668-5540.

To send a letter, please address it to the specific individual.

City of Turlock
156 S. Broadway Suite 230
Turlock, CA 95380

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