Projects Under Construction
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City Project #20-032 - Chemical System Upgrades Project at RWQCF
The Project consists of constructing the following components at the Regional Water Quality Control Facility: 1. Demolition of the existing Chlorine Gas disinfection system. 2. Installation of a new Sodium Hypochlorite disinfection system. 3. Demolition and installation of a new Coagulant chemical system. 4. Demolition and installation of a new Dechlorination system. 5. Additions and modifications to yard piping system. 6. Additions and modifications to electrical systems. 7. Additions and modifications to instrumentation systems. 8. Repair and reconstruction to existing facilities affected by the work and all work necessary to render the facility complete and operational.Construction Duration: Work for the following project is schedule to begin on or about Monday, June 6, 2022 and estimated to complete on or around Monday, June 30, 2025.
Contractor: Pacific Infrastructure Corporation
Traffic Delays: None
Technical Contact: Project Manager: Stephen Fremming, 209-668-5417,
City Project #19-51B - Columbia Pool Improvements
The work consists, in general of: Install pool, pool chemical and mechanical equipment, pool piping, pool decking, earthwork and grading, flatwork concrete, construct a chemical and mechanical building shell, prepare base and coordinate with Public Restroom Company building installation, paving, CMU wall, steel fencing, safety lighting, water services, fire hydrant assembly, storm drain improvements, sewer lines, cleanouts, and manholes, gas line, arbors, benches, drinking fountains, landscaping and irrigation improvements, and other associated work.Construction Duration: Work for the following project is schedule to begin on or about Wednesday, January 3, 2024 and estimated to complete on or around Monday, June 30, 2025.
Contractor: Bobo Construction
Traffic Delays: None
Technical Contact: Project Manager: Randall Jones, 209-668-6021,
City Project #23-040 - Water Line Replacement for 2024 Roads Program
The work consists, in general of: installing 5,417 lineal feet of new PVC water main pipe, new water service laterals to customers along the alignment of the new water main pipe, abandoning the existing water main pipe in place, restoring the trenches, and other associated work. The work includes all necessary labor, materials, tools, equipment and any incidentals needed to perform the improvements as shown on the contract plans.Construction Duration: Work for the following project is schedule to begin on or about Monday, July 22, 2024 and estimated to complete on or around Monday, June 30, 2025.
Contractor: United Pavement Maintenance, Inc.
Traffic Delays: There will be temporary lane closures during the installation of the water lines. Residents, delivery trucks, and garbage trucks will always have access to the affected streets. Contractor will notify residents prior to starting specific work which will impact access to homes.
Technical Contact: Janine Lee, 209-668-6035,