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Active Projects

CUP 2023-02 Time Extension

The applicant is requesting a one-year time extension for the previously approved project for the construction of an 88-room, 4-story hotel on a 2.58-acre parcel located at 2931 Sun Valley Court, Stanislaus APN 087-028-019. No changes from the original approval, site plans, and elevations are proposed. The original approved project requested an exception to the 35-foot height limit established in the Northwest Triangle Specific Plan for the Heavy Commercial (CH) zoning District to construct a 78,450 square foot hotel measures approximately 50-feet from grade to the parapet and approximately 53’6” in height for the architectural tower element at the port cochere. A total of 94 onsite-parking spaces and four motorcycle parking spaces are proposed. Access to the project site is provide through the existing 32’ access and utility easements on the east and west sides of the parcel. Additional onsite improvements include paving, parking lot striping, onsite lighting, an outdoor multiuse lawn and seating area and landscaping; off-site improvements including curb, gutter, and sidewalk have already been installed. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Project].

Address: 2931 Sun Valley Court Quadrant: NW
APN: 087-028-019 Zoning District: CH
Application Received: 7/23/2024
Contact: AO Architects – Brenda Gutierrez (714) 923-6363
Planner: Joanne Foster
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, October 3, 2024
Status: Approved - 10/3/2024

Site Plans

CUP 2024-01 (521 W. Linwood Ave.)

The applicant has submitted an application to construct a 2,223 square foot residence to be used as a short term residential therapeutic program (STRTP) for up to 6 youths and a 3,674 square foot learning center that will serve approximately 72 youths, annually, at 521 W. Linwood Avenue. The project will be licensed through the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) and staffed 24 hours per day 7 days a week. The learning center will operate from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm and will offer, counseling, life skill-building classes, outpatient behavioral health services and other supportive services provided to the youth and families involved in the program. The existing residence and garage will be demolished. Onsite improvements include a new driveway with a gate and new fencing, 9 parking spaces, parking lot lighting, landscaping, onsite fire hydrant, a water feature behind the learning center, and the relocation of a portion of the retention basin from the rear of the property to the front of the property along Linwood Avenue. Frontage improvements including curb, gutter, and sidewalk are already installed. CEQA DETERMINATION: This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Projects]

Address: 521 W. Linwood Ave. Quadrant: SW
APN: 050-017-015 Zoning District: RL
Application Received: 1/2/2024
Contact: Terry McAlister (650) 866-4080
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, March 21, 2024
Status: Approved - March 21, 2024

Site Plans
Notice of Exemption


The applicant is requesting approval to develop two properties, totaling approximately 7-acres, with a 2-story 23,723 square foot banquet hall/event center, 5-story 120-room hotel, and a 4,040 square foot commercial building. The Mirage Banquet Hall measures 46’11” tall from grade to the top of the tower element. The building includes two event halls measuring 4,701 square feet and 8,596 square feet, respectively, an approximately 17,668 square foot outdoor space, a full-service catering kitchen, offices, guest changing rooms, and storage. The banquet hall/event center specializes in full-service catering and event planning. The majority of events occur Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and include weddings & receptions, corporate events, conventions, birthday parties, proms, quinceañeras, and other similar events. During scheduled events the Mirage Banquet Hall will be able to accommodate between 500-1,000 guests between the two reception halls. The Mirage Banquet Hall includes an outdoor space that is approximately 17,668 square feet and will be decorated with landscaping, walkways, gazebos, trellis’, water features and an open plaza area. The outdoor spaces are accessory to the banquet hall and are intended for photo shoots and to provide an area of outdoor amenities for the guest attending the indoor events. A 4,040 square foot commercial building is proposed on a vacant area in front of the banquet hall. At this time specific tenants and uses have not been identified. The future commercial building will be subject to design review through the Minor Discretionary Permit Process prior to construction. All proposed uses will be required to comply with the uses established in the Community Commercial zoning district and the Westside Industrial Specific Plan. A 5-story, 120 room dual/brand hotel is also included in the overall development of the project. The 5-story hotel measures 60’ tall from grade to the top of the parapet. Access to the project sites will be from a new driveway on S. Kilroy, and two existing driveways from W. Main Street, including the shared driveway with parcel 044-007-041. Curb, gutters, and sidewalks are already installed along the W. Main Street frontage and are proposed to be installed along S. Kilroy. Onsite improvements include, paving, landscaping, parking and trash enclosures The subject properties are located at 2218 and 2250 W. Main Street, Stanislaus County APNs 044-007-024 and 044-007-040, respectively. A Mitigated Negative Declaration is proposed, declaring that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, incorporating mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study, and subject to the appropriate conditions of approval.

Address: 2218 and 2250 W. Main Street Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-007-024 and 044-007-040 Zoning District: CC
Application Received: 1/2/2024
Contact: Kiranjit Kaur – (916) 865-6659
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, August 1, 2024
Status: Approved - January 16, 2025

Site Plans
Notice of Intent
Initial Study - Revised
Notice of Determination

CUP 2024-03 (Detached Garage)

The applicant is requesting approval to construct a 1,625 square foot residential accessory storage building located at 2640 Kensington Court Stanislaus County APN 073-034-007. The storage building will be built on the southeast corner of the property, ten feet from the rear property line and ten from the side property line. The accessory structure will have a stucco façade similar to the main house as well as a 10’ x 14’ roll up garage door. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Project].

Address: 2640 Kensington Ct Quadrant: NE
APN: 073-034-007 Zoning District: PD194
Application Received: 2/20/2024
Contact: Todrick Harter (209) 918-0919
Planner: Kate Bailey
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, September 5, 2024
Status: Approved - September 5, 2024

Site Plans

CUP 2024-04

The applicant has submitted an application to develop a portion of an existing lot for a food truck park at 1148 N. Golden State Boulevard, Stanislaus County APN 042-006-022. A portion of the 1.45-acre property is developed with an auto sales business that will continue to operate. The applicant has planned for 6 food trucks, two 10’x10’ covered eating areas, parking, and a new trash enclosure. Access to the food truck are is provided by the existing driveway entrances from Golden State Boulevard. Frontage improvements including curb, gutter, and sidewalk have already been installed. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Project].

Address: 1148 N. Golden State Boulevard Quadrant: SW
APN: 042-006-022 Zoning District: CH
Application Received: 3/27/2024
Contact: Wilson Eshagh (209) 668-4200
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, June 6, 2024
Status: Approved June 6, 2024

Site Plan

CUP 2024-06 (Detached Garage)

The applicant is seeking approval for a newly constructed accessory structure (detached garage) located at 1239 E. Main Street, Stanislaus County APN 042-027-037. The 1,380-square-foot detached garage is intended for the storage of recreational vehicles and a boat. This project is in response to a complaint filed with the Building & Safety Division regarding an unpermitted structure possibly requiring a permit. The structure is 16’ 6” at its highest point, allowing for 14-foot roll-up access doors, and is positioned at the northeast corner of the property, with access from the 20-foot alleyway. Located 5 feet from the side and rear property lines, it adheres to the required setbacks for the accessory structure and has been painted to blend with the aesthetics of the main residence, ensuring visual consistency. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities].

Address: 1239 E. Main Street Quadrant: SE
APN: 042-027-037 Zoning District: RL
Application Received: 9/3/2024
Contact: Shane Peltier - (209) 993-0321
Planner: Kate Bailey
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, November 7, 2024
Status: Approved - November 7, 2024

Site Plans

CUP 2024-07 (Storage Building)

The applicant is requesting approval to build a 2,400-square-foot storage structure at 506 Dianne Drive, Stanislaus County APN: 089-013-003. The project includes demolishing an existing 2,000-square-foot barn to accommodate the new building. The proposed storage structure will be located in the northwest corner of the property, approximately 130 feet from the front property line and 10 feet from the side property line. It is intended for the storage of personal equipment. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15303(d) [New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures].

Address: 506 Dianne Dr. Quadrant: SW
APN: 089-013-003 Zoning District: IBP
Application Received: 12/2/2024
Contact: Pablo Ramos (209) 380-6187
Planner: Joanne Foster
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, February 6, 2025
Status: Approved - February 6, 2025

Site Plans

CUP 2024-08 (Commercial Recreation Center)

The applicant is seeking approval to construct and operate an indoor playground in an existing 11,500 square foot suite at 749 N Golden State Blvd, Stanislaus County APN 061-041-003. The design of the indoor playground will include age-appropriate equipment such as soft play areas, climbing structures, obstacle courses, interactive games, and sensory activities aimed at fostering physical, cognitive, and social development. Additionally, the facility will incorporate seating areas for parents and guardians as well as restrooms. No onsite or offsite improvements are proposed. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities].

Address: 749 N Golden State Blvd Quadrant: SW
APN: 061-041-003 Zoning District: CC
Application Received: 12/4/2024
Contact: Natalie Topete (510) 909-5799
Planner: Kate Bailey
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, February 6, 2025
Status: Approved - February 6, 2025

Site Plans

CUP 24-05 1136 El Paseo

The applicant is requesting approval to construct a residential accessory storage building measuring 1,404 square feet and a maximum height of 15 feet located at 1136 El Paseo, Stanislaus County APN: 051-017-020. The storage building is intended for storing collectible vehicles and personal items and will also serve as a pool house equipped with a full bathroom, refrigerator and sink. The building is not proposed as an accessory dwelling unit (ADU). The accessory structure is setback 28’ from the corner side property line, 55’ from the interior side yard property line, and 0’ from the rear property line (next to the alley). The accessory structure will mirror the roof line and gable ends similar to the main house and will have a modern smooth stucco finish. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15303 [New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures].

Address: 1136 El Paseo Quadrant: SE
APN: 051-017-020 Zoning District: RL
Application Received: 5/30/2024
Contact: Chris Dias – (209) 499-8609
Planner: Joanne Foster
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, September 5, 2024
Status: Approved - September 5, 2024

Site Plans

CUP 24-09 (2400 Fulkerth Road)

The applicant has submitted an application to develop a 1.31-acre parcel for a mobile food truck park at 2400 Fulkerth Road, Stanislaus County APN 089-019-022. The applicant has planned for 14 food trucks, a 40’x20’ covered eating area, parking, trash enclosure, restrooms, landscaping, 6’8” wrought iron fencing and gates on the west, south, and north property lines securing the food park area and a 7’ masonry wall along the east property line. Access to the food truck park is provided from Fulkerth Road through an existing 30’ access easement. Off-site improvements including curb, gutter, and sidewalk have been constructed along the Fulkerth Road frontage. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Project].

Address: 2400 Fulkerth Rd Quadrant: SW
APN: 089-019-022 Zoning District: CC
Application Received: 12/18/2024
Contact: Nimrat Sandhu – (209) 328-6463
Planner: Katie Quintero
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, March 6, 2025
Status: Under Review

Site Plan
Revised Site Plan
Public Comments
Public Comments
Public Comments

CUP 25-01 Adult Day Care Center

The applicant is requesting approval to construct a new Adult Day Care Center on two parcels totaling 2.31 acres at 2600 & 2630 Polous Drive (Stanislaus County APNs 089-019-013 & 089-019-014). The project will be completed in two phases: Phase 1 will include a 12,000 sq. ft. main facility with communal spaces, activity rooms, dining areas, and administrative offices to support social engagement and specialized care services. Phase 2, to commence within two years from issuance of CUP, will add a 10,000 sq. ft. expansion with additional program spaces, therapy rooms, and recreational areas. The site will feature perimeter fencing, a gated transportation area, and on-site improvements such as paving, curbing, lighting, parking, a trash enclosure, and landscaping. Off-site improvements will include new curb, gutter, and sidewalk installations. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Project].

Address: 2600 & 2630 Polous Drive Quadrant: SE
APN: 089-019-013 & 089-019-014 Zoning District: CC
Application Received: 2/13/2025
Contact: Zandy Investments LLC/Vartan Hekimian – (559) 209-7253
Planner: Kate Bailey
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, May 1, 2025
Status: Under Review

Site Plans

GPA 2023-02, Rezone 2023-02 and MDP 2024-01

The applicant is requesting a General Plan Amendment, Rezone and Minor Discretionary Permit for two parcels, totaling 2.52-acre property at 1620 N. Tully Road (Stanislaus County APNs 088-030-004 & 088-030-005). The specific request is to amend the General Plan land use designation from Community Commercial (CC) to Community Commercial (CC) and High Density Residential (RH) and Rezone the property from Community Commercial (CC) to High Density Residential (RH) to allow for the development of the parcels with amenities for the Oak Park Apartment residents who reside at the existing apartments on the adjacent lot. Amenities will include 53 covered parking spaces, 17 single-car garage units, a dog park and outdoor picnic area and trash enclosure. The entrance to the area will be gated and will be limited to Oak Park residents only. A vacant pad area will remain at the front of the parcel for a future office building. CEQA DETERMINATION: This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Projects]

Address: 1620 N. Tully Rd. Quadrant: NW
APN: 088-030-004 & 088-030-005 Zoning District: CC and RH
Application Received: 11/27/2023
Contact: Ron West (209) 985-8895
Planner: Katie Quintero
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, March 21, 2024
Status: Approved - March 21, 2024

Site Plans

GPA 22-01;REZ 22-01;TSM 22-01 BAXTER HOMES

The applicant is requesting a General Plan Amendment and Rezone of a 0.91-acre property at 1598 East Avenue (Stanislaus County APN 043-027-034). The specific request is to amend the General Plan land use designation from Community Commercial (CC) to Low Density Residential and Rezone the property from Community Commercial to Residential Low Density 4.5 to allow for the subdivision of the parcel into 6 single-family residential lots. The proposed residential lots range in size from 6,084 square feet to 8,670 square feet with lot widths ranging from 50’ to 73’ and lot depths ranging from 119’ to 125’ conforming to the standards established in the RL4.5 zoning district. The overall density of the proposed residential project is approximately six (6) dwellings per acre. Approval of the tentative subdivision map is contingent on approval of the General Plan Amendment and Rezone of the property. Off-site improvements will include curb, gutters, and sidewalks. CEQA: Mitigated Negative Declaration

Address: 1598 East Ave Quadrant: SE
APN: 043-027-034-000 Zoning District: COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (CC)
Application Received: 6/3/2022
Contact: BAXTER HOMES (323-447-6990)
Status: Approved - January 4, 2024

Initial Study
Notice of Intent

GPA 24-01, Rezone 24-02, PD284, VTSM 24-01

The applicant is proposing to subdivide two parcels totaling 13.61 acres, into 114 single-family residential lots. The subject properties are located at 1601 W. Monte Vista Avenue and 3201 Four Seasons Drive, Stanislaus County APNs 087-012-053 and 087-008-085. The 9.86-acre parcel located at 1601 W. Monte Vista Avenue is zoned Community Commercial (CC) with an underlying General Plan Designation of Community Commercial (CC). The request is to amend the General Plan Designation of Community Commercial (CC) to Medium Density Residential (MDR) and rezone the property from Community Commercial to PD 284 to facilitate the subdivision of the 9.86-acre parcel into single-family residential lots. The 3.75-acre parcel located at 3201 Four Seasons Drive is zoned Medium Density Residential (RM) with a General Plan designation of Medium Density Residential (MDR). The 3.75-acre parcel will be rezoned from Medium Density Residential to PD 284 to facilitate the subdivision of the property into single-family lots. The proposed lots will range in size from 3,150 square feet to 5,488 square feet. The entrance into the development will be from Snowbird Drive. All internal roadways will be private roads. A General Plan Amendment, Rezone and Planned Development are proposed to allow for the amendment to the underlying general plan designation and rezoning of the commercial property for residential use, deviations from the development standards in the Medium Density Residential (RM) zoning district, and the proposed internal private roads. The proposed setbacks for the development will be 10’ front yard, 16’ rear yard, 10’ corner side yard and 5’ interior side yard. All setbacks are measured from the property line to the nearest portion of the building. A dual use drainage basin will be installed and landscaped to handle the stormwater for the development as well as provide an open space area. A masonry wall is proposed to be constructed along the N. Walnut Road, W. Monte Vista Avenue, and Four Seasons Drive property lines. Off-site improvements including curb, gutter, and sidewalks will be installed along the W. Monte Vista Avenue, Four Seasons Drive, Snowbird Drive, and N. Walnut Road frontages. A “Mitigated Negative Declaration” is proposed, declaring that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, incorporating mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study, and subject to the appropriate conditions of approval.

Address: 1601 W. Monte Vista Ave. and 3201 Four Seasons Dr. Quadrant: NW
APN: 087-012-053 and 087-008-085 Zoning District: CC and RM
Application Received: 10/18/2024
Contact: Bright Development – Dave Butz – 209-652-3721
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, February 6, 2025
Status: Under Review

Site Plans
Initial Study
Notice of Intent
Notice of Determination

MAA 2024-01 (2860 Geer Rd - Façade Upgrade)

The applicant is requesting approval for exterior façade enhancements for a single tenant space within the existing Blossom Valley Plaza shopping center located at 2860 Geer Road, Stanislaus County APN 072-014-055. The proposed modifications include the addition of a single-ply pop-out accent façade atop the current structure, colonnade soffits framing the entrance and a seamed metal roof spanning over the walkway. The new paint color on the accent façade is compatible with the rest of the shopping center and there are no proposed changes to the existing landscaping or parking lot. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities].

Address: 2860 Geer Road Quadrant: NE
APN: 072-014-055 Zoning District: CC
Application Received: 3/13/2024
Contact: Pablo Garcia (323) 605-8347
Planner: Joanne Foster
Status: Approved May 22, 2024

Site Plans

MAA 2024-02 (750 N. Walnut Road)

The applicant is requesting approval for the installation of a 10-foot high, 12V DC battery-powered security fence within the existing perimeter fencing. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities].

Address: 750 N Walnut Road Quadrant: SW
APN: 089-014-034 Zoning District: IBP
Application Received: 4/16/2024
Contact: Amarok - Hannah Robinson (803) 920-9628
Planner: Kate Bailey
Status: Approved - July 12, 2024

Site Plan

MAA 2024-03 (Façade Remodel Geer Gardens)

The proposed project consists of remodeling and modernizing of the Geer Gardens shopping center at 2225-2595 Geer Rd., Stanislaus County APNs 071-013-008 & 071-028-020/021. The exterior façade remodel and modernization includes installing new metal roofs, creating architectural pop ups, soffiting the roof eaves and repainting with modern colors. No changes to the landscape or parking will be made. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Project].

Address: 2225-2595 Geer Road Quadrant: NE
APN: 071-013-008 & 071-028-020/021 Zoning District: PD43
Application Received: 5/1/2024
Contact: Justin Smith (209) 614-3725
Planner: Kate Bailey
Status: Approved - July 26, 2024

Site Plans

MAA 2024-04 (CMU Wall)

The applicant is requesting approval to increase the height of a proposed 7-foot-4-inch (7’4”) CMU wall to 9-foot-4-inches (9’4”) to align with the existing CMU wall along the east property line. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities].

Address: 1148 N. Golden State Boulevard Quadrant: SW
APN: 042-006-022 Zoning District: CH
Application Received: 11/19/2024
Contact: 5 Star Cars, LLC - (209) 668-4200
Planner: Joanne Foster
Status: Approved - December 20, 2024

Site Plans

MDP 2021-09 Time Extension 2024

The applicant, Carson Hybrid Energy Storage (CHES), is requesting a one-year time extension for the previously approved project. No changes from the original approval, site plans, and elevations are proposed. CHES is proposing to develop a 9.12-acre property at 601 S. Soderquist Road, Stanislaus County APN 050-001-038, for a battery energy storage facility. CHES will construct two warehouse buildings, one 90,000 square feet and one 40,950 square feet for the storage of the battery modules. The buildings will be able to store at least 500mwh of battery energy storage. The batteries will be stored in a specially designed rack configuration. Each rack is approximately 8’Wx20’Lx9’H. Three racks will be stacked atop each other to achieve the correct energy density. The larger building will have approximately 672 racks with 135 racks in the smaller building. A fenced exterior storage area on the north side of Building A and on the south side of Building B will house a total of 96 inverter units. The inverter units change the DC energy current from the batteries into an AC current which is the form of energy used by utility companies. The inverters measure 6’Lx2.5’Wx7’H. A 1,250 square foot office building will be constructed behind the battery storage buildings. There are 131 electric vehicle accessible onsite parking stalls proposed. Forty-one of the 131 electric vehicle accessible parking stalls, located along the Soderquist Road frontage, will be developed for public use. Customers will be able to access the charging units through the public gate via a ticketing system. Twelve electric vehicle charging units will initially be installed and available for use from 7:00 am – 9:00 pm. Secondary private gates secure the battery storage facility from public access. Approximately 23,500 square feet of area in the northwest corner of the property will be left undeveloped for a planned substation to allow future connection to Turlock Irrigation District (TID) facilities. Full frontage improvements, including curb, gutter, and sidewalk will be constructed along South Soderquist Road. On-site paving, parking stalls, landscaping, security lighting, and perimeter fencing are also proposed. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section § 15162 [Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations].

Address: 601 S Soderquist Rd Quadrant: SW
APN: 050-001-038 Zoning District: I
Application Received: 7/22/2024
Contact: Olivia Goldstein (406) 544-2476
Planner: Joanne Foster
Status: Approved - September 10, 2024

Site Plan

MDP 2022-05 Time Extension 2025

The applicant is requesting a one-year time extension on a previously approved development for a 261-unit multi-family residential project on an 8.58-acre parcel located at 4131 Geer Road (Stanislaus County APN: 071-066-067). No changes from the original approval, site plans and elevations are proposed. The project will construct a total of 9 three-story buildings approximately 40’ in height. Each unit will include a patio (1st floor apartments) or balcony area (2nd and 3rd story apartments). The apartment buildings are setback approximately 45’ from the north and west property lines with a minimum 5’ wide landscape area, parking stalls and drive aisles providing additional buffering from the residential subdivisions to the north and west. Main access to the complex is provided by driveways on Geer Road and Christoffersen Parkway. Onsite improvements include parking, carports, landscaping, clubhouse and pool, and a 900 square foot children’s outdoor play area. Off-site frontage improvements, including, curb, gutter and sidewalk will be installed along the Geer Road and Christoffersen Parkway frontages. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section §15162, the City of Turlock adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Effect and a Mitigation Monitoring Program identified in the Initial Study on February 1, 2023. No substantial changes are proposed that would alter the certification of the General Plan EIR.

Address: 4131 Geer Road Quadrant: NW
APN: 071-066-067 Zoning District: CC and RH
Application Received: 3/7/2025
Contact: Craig DeJong – (209) 456-1427
Planner: Joanne Foster
Status: Under Review

Site Plan

MDP 2023-13 Time Extension 2025

The applicant is requesting a one-year time extension on a previously approved development for a truck sales lot located at 1101 Fulkerth Road, (Stanislaus County APN 071-014-004). No changes from the original approval, site plans and elevations are proposed. The project will develop the 0.89-acre parcel, including the construction of a new 440 square foot sales office. The existing house will remain and continue to be used as a residence. Access to the site will be from Fulkerth Road with a right-in, right-out only driveway. On-site improvements include paving, parking, parking stall striping, trash enclosure, on-site storm drain basin and landscaping. Off-site improvements including curb, gutter and sidewalks are already constructed. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Project].

Address: 1101 Fulkerth Road Quadrant: NW
APN: 071-014-004 Zoning District: CH
Application Received: 3/5/2025
Contact: Vicente Fuentes – (209) 988-1472
Planner: Joanne Foster
Status: Under Review

Site Plans

MDP 2024-03 (300 N. Soderquist Rd.)

The applicant is proposing to develop a .46-acre parcel with a 4,590 square foot five (5) unit multifamily residential project at 300 N. Soderquist Road (Stanislaus County APN: 061-003-040). The project will construct 1 five-unit structure with each unit being approximately 918 square feet, two bedrooms one bathroom, a kitchen, living room and an outdoor patio area. On-site improvements include paving, parking, landscaping and fencing. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Projects]

Address: 300 N Soderquist Rd Quadrant: NW
APN: 061-003-040 Zoning District: RM
Application Received: 3/6/2024
Contact: Frank Sequeira (209) 756-7085
Planner: Joanne Foster
Status: Approved July 16, 2024

Site Plans

MDP 2024-04 (Tuff Shed)

Tuff Shed is proposing to operate a retail store using the existing 4500 square feet building for sales space as well as the outdoor area for display of pre-constructed sheds. On-site parking spaces, paving, and landscaping are existing. Existing onsite improvements include parking, lot striping, fencing, and landscaping. Frontage improvements including curb, gutter and sidewalk are already installed. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Project].

Address: 500 W. Glenwood Ave Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-017-040 Zoning District: CC
Application Received: 3/22/2024
Contact: Chris Powell (209) 462-8833
Planner: Kate Bailey
Status: Approved - September 3, 2024

Site Plan

MDP 2024-05 (Turlock Security Storage)

The applicant is requesting authorization for the construction of a full-service self-storage facility on a 4.24-acre vacant parcel located at 2961 & 2901 Sun Valley Ct., Stanislaus County APN 087-028-018 & 087-028-020. The self-storage facility will include a total of four (4) single story buildings, one (1) multi-story building, three (3) long-term covered recreational vehicle/boat spaces totaling 68 RV parking spaces, an office and a manager’s quarters. On-site improvements include parking, paving, and landscaping. A minimum 15-foot landscape bed is proposed along the street frontage and a 10-foot landscape bed along the perimeter of the property. Access to the project will be from a new driveway on Sun Valley Court and secondary access through the 32’ wide PUE on the west side of the property and shared with Stanislaus County APN 087-028-019. The hours of operation for the office will be 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., 7 days a week. The storage grounds will be gated; however, customers will be able to access the property from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. Offsite improvements, including curb, gutter and sidewalk, are already installed. Building “A” is an 85,578 square foot, three story building which includes the office and manager’s quarters. Building “B” will be a 4,334, square foot indoor storage building that will consist of a total of 14 storage units. Building “C” will be a 5,254 square foot indoor storage building that will consist of a total of 17 storage units. Building “D” will be a 2,058 square foot indoor storage building that will consist of a total of 13 storage units. Building “E” will be a 1,230 square foot indoor storage building that will consist of a total of 9 storage units. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Project].

Address: 2961 & 2901 Sun Valley Ct Quadrant: NW
APN: 087-028-018 & 087-028-020 Zoning District: CH
Application Received: 4/30/2024
Contact: Sean Brannan (408) 413-8869
Planner: Joanne Foster
Status: Approved - August 13, 2024

Site Plans


The proposed project consists of the construction of a new 7,000 square foot building located at 3301 Liberty Square Parkway Stanislaus County APN # 044-066-018. The warehouse building will be constructed on a 23,059 square foot lot. The proposed building will consist of 5,000 square feet dedicated to warehouse space and 2,000 square feet dedicated to office space. Thirteen on-site parking spaces, paving, and landscaping are also proposed. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Project].

Address: 3301 LIBERTY SQUARE PARKWAY Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-066-018 Zoning District: PD230
Application Received: 4/30/2024
Contact: SABINO URRUTIA (209) 872-2099
Planner: Kate Bailey
Status: Approved - August 23, 2024

Site Plans

MDP 2024-07 (Auto Mart USA)

The applicant is requesting to build a new 1,170 square foot office building with an attached garage on two adjoining parcels totaling 0.18-acres located at 378 N. Golden State Blvd. and 324 N. Center Street, Stanislaus County APN’s 061-019-014 and 061-019-003. Access to the site will be from both N. Golden State and N. Center Street. On-site improvements include paving, parking, parking stall striping, trash enclosure, and landscaping. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Project].

Address: 378 N Golden State Blvd and 324 N Center St Quadrant: NW
APN: 061-019-014 and 061-019-003 Zoning District: TC
Application Received: 5/23/2024
Contact: Horacio Zertuche - (209) 507-6036
Planner: Joanne Foster
Status: Approved - October 3, 2024

Site Plans

MDP 2024-08 (Granite Gallery)

The applicant is requesting to construct an approximately 22,500 square foot commercial building for offices, a granite showroom and warehouse storage at 2105 Maryann Dr. Stanislaus County APN 089-014-044. On-site and off-site improvements include paving, 52 parking spaces, parking stall striping, trash enclosure, landscaping, curb, gutter and sidewalks. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Project].

Address: 2105 Maryann Dr Quadrant: NW
APN: 089-014-044 Zoning District: IBP
Application Received: 6/12/2024
Contact: Larry Viveiros (209) 678-0936
Planner: Kate Bailey
Status: Approved - September 6, 2024

Site Plans

MDP 2024-09 Arco (Canopy & Dispensers)

The applicant is requesting to remove the existing canopy, columns and dispensers and construct a new 3,031 sq. foot canopy and 6 fuel dispensers located at 4700 N Golden State Blvd., Stanislaus County APN 087-001-062. Access to the site will be from the existing driveways on N. Golden State Boulevard and Taylor Road. On-site improvements include paving, parking, parking stall striping, trash enclosure, and landscaping. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities].

Address: 4700 N. Golden State Blvd. Quadrant: NE
APN: 087-001-062 Zoning District: CH
Application Received: 8/6/2024
Contact: A & S Engineering – Sara De La Cruz (661) 250-9300
Planner: Kate Bailey
Status: Approved - September 24, 2024

Site Plans

MDP 2024-10 (Duplex)

The applicant is proposing to construct a 1,140 square foot single-story duplex on a 0.88-acre lot at 985 Park Street, Stanislaus County APN: 061-002-063. Once completed, the site will contain a total of nine residential units. The current 1,554 square foot single-family home will be demolished to accommodate the new duplex. The design of the duplex will be consistent with existing structures, featuring stucco walls and composition roofs. Offsite improvements, including curb, gutter, and landscaping along Park Street, have already been installed. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Projects].

Address: 985 Park St Quadrant: SW
APN: 061-002-063 Zoning District: RM
Application Received: 9/6/2024
Contact: Pedro Reyes - 386-2795
Planner: Joanne Foster
Status: Approved

Site Plans

MDP 2024-11 (Chick-Fil-A)

The applicant is seeking approval to construct a 4,977 square-foot drive-thru fast food restaurant on a 2.46-acre parcel located at 2630 W Tuolumne Road (Stanislaus County APN 088-010-052). The restaurant will include a two-lane drive-thru aisle, designed to optimize traffic flow and ensure efficient access to the site. On-site improvements along W. Tuolumne Road will consist of parking, paving, landscaping, and site lighting. Off-site improvements will include curb, gutter, sidewalks, and street trees. Off-site improvements along Countryside Drive will consist of landscaping. Curb, gutter and sidewalks have been previously installed. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Project].

Address: 2630 W. Tuolumne Rd. Quadrant: NW
APN: 088-010-052 Zoning District: CC
Application Received: 11/7/2024
Contact: Jennifer Kirby – (669) 800-4168
Planner: Kate Bailey
Status: Approved - December 20, 2024

Site Plans

MDP 2024-12 (Spiritual Science Church #4)

The applicant is requesting to operate a church in the existing 6,396 square foot building located at 227 W Canal Dr. Stanislaus County APN 042-008-018. Office space, storage and a small 205 square foot utility space are part of the interior improvement work. On-site improvements include paving, parking spaces, parking stall striping, trash enclosure, landscaping, curb, gutter and sidewalks are already installed. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities].

Address: 227 W. Canal Dr. Quadrant: SW
APN: 042-008-018 Zoning District: CH
Application Received: 11/21/2024
Contact: Gaylene Cornell (209) 604-5413
Planner: Kate Bailey
Status: Under Review

Site Plan

MDP 2025-01 4240 N. Golden State Blvd

The proposed project is to construct a new 9,102 square foot multi-tenant retail building on a 1.058-acre property located at 4240 N. Golden State Boulevard, Stanislaus County APN 087-029-001. The building will feature four suites intended for commercial uses. On-site parking spaces, paving, trash enclosures and landscaping are already established at this location as part of the existing shopping center. The development of this parcel is the last parcel to be developed for commercial uses in PD241. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Project].

Address: 4240 N. Golden State Boulevard Quadrant: NW
APN: 087-029-001 Zoning District: PD241
Application Received: 1/6/2025
Contact: Min Wu (209) 241-6308
Planner: Joanne Foster
Status: Under Review

Site Plans

MDP 2025-02 Best RV Center (Storage)

The applicant is seeking approval to develop a 10-acre parcel located at 1808 N Tegner Rd., Stanislaus County APN 088-031-001, for the construction of an RV Storage Center. The project will include 289 open air RV parking spaces, along with 6 standard parking spaces. Additional improvements to the site will consist of a 120-square-foot security guard booth, asphalt and concrete paving, and the necessary striping for the RV parking stalls. Onsite improvements will include, paving, fencing, and landscaping. Fencing includes an 8-foot high, electrified security fence within the perimeter fencing. Offsite improvements include the installation of curb, gutter, and sidewalk along Tegner Rd. A “Mitigated Negative Declaration” is proposed, declaring that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, incorporating mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study, and subject to the appropriate conditions of approval.

Address: 1808 N. Tegner Road Quadrant: NW
APN: 088-031-001 Zoning District: CC
Application Received: 1/6/2025
Contact: Naiel Ammari – (209) 216-5200
Planner: Kate Bailey
Status: Under Review

Site Plans

MDP 2025-03 (Warehouse)

The applicant is seeking approval to construct a 20,000 sq. ft. warehouse and office/manufacturing building on a 3.14-acre site, which will include a 2,106 sq. ft. mezzanine. This facility will focus on the assembly of parts, with no hazardous chemicals or process water involved in the manufacturing process. The site will feature a single loading dock for receiving and shipping parts and finished goods, with an average of one truck arriving or departing per day, Monday through Friday, during standard business hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.). The project will also provide necessary on-site improvements, including parking, landscaping, and street frontage enhancements. The facility is expected to employ up to 10 full-time employees on-site, working Monday through Friday, during business hours. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Projects].

Address: 3731 Mountain View Rd Quadrant: NW
APN: 087-030-005 Zoning District: CH
Application Received: 1/8/2025
Contact: Griswold Industries / Ryan Pickett (949) 722-4800
Planner: Kate Bailey
Status: Under Review

Site Plans

MDP 2025-04 2250 Colorado Avenue

The applicant is requesting approval to convert an existing 1,074-square-foot residence into a commercial medical office at 2250 Colorado Avenue, Stanislaus County APN 072-034-005. The property is zoned Commercial Office, which permits this type of use. The project includes tenant improvements for the medical office, the addition of seven on-site parking spaces, paving, landscaping, and the installation of a storm drain collection system. Offsite improvements, including curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, have already been installed. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities].

Address: 2250 Colorado Ave Quadrant: NE
APN: 072-034-005 Zoning District: CO
Application Received: 1/21/2025
Contact: CommercialArch/Stacy Wellnitz – (209) 571-8158
Planner: Joanne Foster
Status: Under Review

Site Plans

MDP 2025-05 (420 & 430 N Kilroy Road)

The applicant is requesting approval for tenant improvements for a mobile truck washing business within an existing 16,000-square-foot warehouse located on a 1-acre property at 420 and 430 N. Kilroy Road, Stanislaus County (APN 089-014-035). The building was previously used for retail purposes. The proposed tenant improvements include the installation of a new 4-foot-square, 2-inch-deep floor drain, along with a 1,500-gallon sand and oil separator inside the building. The new tenant will manage wastewater from off-site washing operations by directing it to an on-site holding tank, where sediment will be allowed to settle before the remaining water is treated and discharged into the drain. All trucks associated to the business will be parked inside the warehouse, with no vehicle washing conducted on-site. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Project].

Address: 420 & 430 N. Kilroy Road Quadrant: SW
APN: 089-014-035 Zoning District: IBP
Application Received: 2/7/2025
Contact: M & C Investments/Robert Fernandes – (209) 495-0708
Planner: Joanne Foster
Status: Under Review

Site Plans

MDP 24-02 (905 Flower St)

The applicant is proposing to construct four (4) additional two-story units each measuring 1,394 square feet and adding an additional bedroom to the six (6) existing units on the .72-acre property located at 905 Flower Street, Stanislaus County APN 061-004-006. Upon project completion, there will be a total of 10 residential units on the site. On-site improvements include landscaping, a parking area and construction of a trash enclosure. Offsite improvements including curb, gutters, and sidewalks have already been constructed along the Flower Street and Clifford Avenue frontages. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Project].

Address: 905 Flower St Quadrant: SW
APN: 061-004-006 Zoning District: RM
Application Received: 2/23/2024
Contact: Terri Sebastian – (209) 550-1621
Planner: Joanne Foster
Status: Approved July 16, 2024

Site Plans

OBA 2023-01 (625 E TAYLOR RD - TUSD)

Turlock Unified School District (TUSD) is requesting an Out of Boundary service agreement to allow for the extension of the City of Turlock water trunk line from the existing termini in North Olive Avenue with a 2” water line, approximately 170-feet north to the property located on the north side of Taylor Road, outside of the jurisdictional boundary of the City of Turlock at 625 E. Taylor Road, Stanislaus County APN 042-061-025. The extension of the 2” water line will provide potable water to the TUSD farm. The City of Turlock is proposing to prepare a Notice of Exemption, declaring that extension and installation of a 2” water line approximately 170 feet will not have a significant effect on the environment, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15303(d).

Address: 625 E Taylor Rd Quadrant: NW
APN: 042-061-025 Zoning District: Outside City Limits
Application Received: 6/15/2023
Contact: Turlock Unified School District (209-667-0578)
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Under Review

Site Plan

OBA 2024-01 (4905 and 5205 N. Golden State Blvd)

The property owner of 4905 and 5205 N. Golden State Boulevard, Stanislaus County APNs 045-062-018 and 045-062-019 is requesting an Out of Boundary service agreement to allow for extension of the existing City of Turlock water and sewer main across Golden State Boulevard to allow for connection of the two properties to City of Turlock water and sewer services. The extension of the line and the properties proposing to connect are located outside of the jurisdictional boundary of the City of Turlock. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15303(d)

Address: 4905 and 5205 N. Golden State Blvd Quadrant: NW
APN: 045-062-018 and 045-062-019 Zoning District: Outside City Limits
Application Received: 2/29/2024
Contact: Trushil Khatri (209) 404-7756
Planner: Katie Quintero
Status: Approved - May 28, 2024


OBA 2024-02 (1000 Mitchell Avenue)

The property owner of 1000 Mitchell Avenue, Stanislaus County APNs 042-021-005 is requesting an Out of Boundary service agreement to allow for extension of the City of Turlock sewer main, approximately 150-feet along Starr Avenue, to allow for connection of the property to city sewer services. The extension of the sewer main and connection to the sewer system will allow the property owner to develop the property for residential use. The property is currently connected to the City of Turlock water system. The extension of the sewer main and the property requesting to connect to the sewer line is located outside of the jurisdictional boundary of the City of Turlock. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15303(d)

Address: 1000 Mitchell Avenue Quadrant: NE
APN: 042-021-005 Zoning District: Outside City Limits
Application Received: 7/30/2024
Contact: Brianna Dale - (209) 846-4132
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Status: Approved - November 12, 2024

Site Plan

PD 230 Amendment - Liberty Square Pkwy

The applicants, have submitted an application to amend the permitted uses in Planned Development 230 to add personal services as a permitted use for two of the parcels within the subdivision, Stanislaus County APNS 044-066-023 and 044-066-001, 3201-3213 Liberty Square Parkway and 3200-3212 Liberty Square Parkway. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15301 [Existing Facilities]

Address: 3201-3213 Liberty Square Parkway and 3200-3212 Liberty Square Parkway Quadrant: SW
APN: 044-066-023 and 044-066-001 Zoning District: PD230
Application Received: 1/16/2024
Contact: Western Asset Recovery (209) 848-8095
Planner: Katie Quintero
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, May 2, 2024
Status: Approved - May 2, 2024

Site Plan

PD 281, Rezone 2023-02, and VTSM 2022-02

The applicant has submitted an application requesting to subdivide a 2.7-acre parcel into 16 single family residential lots and divide two existing commercial lots into four lots and a remainder. A Planned Development is being requested for the residential subdivision to allow exceptions to the 5,000 square foot lot size and 5-foot interior side yard setbacks established in the low density (RL) zoning district. Residential lots will range in size from 3,785 square feet to 8,237 square feet and will have 4-foot interior side yard setbacks. A new cul de sac, constructed to City standards, will provide access from Roberts Road to the new subdivision. The subject property is located at 2630 Roberts Road, Stanislaus County APNs 087-027-001 through 087-027-016. Additionally, the request for the Planned Development includes the division of two commercial lots into 4 lots and 1 remainder. As proposed, the existing commercial buildings on proposed parcels 3, 4, and 5, would not meet the side and rear building setbacks established in the Northwest Triangle Specific Plan heavy commercial (CH) zoning district. The request for a reduction to the setbacks for parcels 3,4 and 5 is detailed below: Parcels 3 & 4: Side yard setbacks reduced from 20’ to 10’. Parcel 5: Front building (auto repair shop) side yard setbacks reduced from 20’ to 11’ on the north side of the building and from 20’ to 16’ on the south side of the building. Rear building - side yard setback reduced from 20’ to 5’ and the rear yard setback reduced from 20’ to 5’. Future development on Parcels 1 and 2 are required to meet the setbacks established in the Northwest Triangle Specific Plan. The tentative parcel map dividing the properties has been submitted to the City of Turlock Engineering Division for processing. Final approval of the tentative parcel map is contingent upon City Council approval of the Planned Development. The subject property is located at 3436-3448 N. Golden State Boulevard, Stanislaus County APN 087-027-08. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15332 [In-fill Development Projects]

Address: 2630 Roberts Rd Quadrant: NW
APN: 087-027-001 through 087-027-016 Zoning District: RL, CH
Application Received: 8/10/2022
Contact: Piro Enterprises, Inc. (209) 634-5700
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, December 7, 2023
Status: Approved - February 1, 2024

Site Plans

PD 283, Rezone 24-01, VTSM 24-01

The applicant is proposing to subdivide the approximately 2.67-acre parcel, into 30 single-family residential lots. The subject property is located at 337 West Avenue South, Stanislaus County APN 050-003-042. The subject site is zoned Medium Density Residential (RM). The lots will range in size from 2,500 square feet to 4,352 square feet. The internal roadway will be a private road. A Planned Development is proposed to allow for deviations from the lot size standards and setbacks as well as the internal roadway being a private road not developed to City standards. Setbacks will be measured from the property line to that portion of the building or structure that is closest to the property line. The proposed setbacks for the development are as follows: Single-story homes: Front Yard 10’ Front Yard Garage 25’ Interior Side Yard 3’ Rear Livable area 10’ Rear Yard Garage 3’ Two-story homes: Front Yard habitable space 25’ Front Yard Porch 15’ Front Yard Garage 18’ Interior Side Yard 3’ Rear Yard Habitable area 10’ A “Mitigated Negative Declaration” is proposed, declaring that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, incorporating mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study, and subject to the appropriate conditions of approval.

Address: 337 West Ave South Quadrant: SW
APN: 050-003-042 Zoning District: Medium Density Residential (RM)
Application Received: 6/5/2024
Contact: Ron Katakis 209-483-8159
Planner: Katie Quintero
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, September 5, 2024
Status: Approved - November 12, 2024

Site Plan
Tentative Subdivision Map
Initial Study
Notice of Intent
Notice of Determination

PD 285, Rezone 25-01, and VTSM 25-01

The applicant has submitted an application for a Vesting Tentative Subdivision map to subdivide one 11.42-acre parcel into 22 single family residential lots. The subject property is located at 3130 E. Tuolumne Road, Stanislaus County APN 073-016-007. A rezoning of the property to Planned Development 285 is proposed to allow for various deviations from the Very Low-Density Residential development standards in the East Tuolumne Master Plan (ETMP) as detailed below. A dual use drainage basin will be installed and landscaped to handle the stormwater for the development as well as provide an open space area. The development will meet the required density of the Very Low-Density Residential Zoning District with a proposed density of 3 units per acre but exceptions to the development standards are proposed as follows: Exceptions to the ETMP Development Standards for lots 1-3 (Fronting Tuolumne) Minimum Lot Width - ETMP Required Standard 90’ Lots 1-3 Fronting Tuolumne 75’ Setbacks: Interior Side Porch - ETMP Required Standard 10’ Lots 1-3 Fronting Tuolumne 5’ Living Space - ETMP Required Standard 10’ Lots 1-3 Fronting Tuolumne 5’ Garage - ETMP Required Standard 10’ Lots 1-3 Fronting Tuolumne 5’ Exception to the ETMP Development Standards for all lots: Setbacks: Front: Living Space (2nd Story) - ETMP Required Standard 30’ Proposed Standards for all lots 25’ Garage - ETMP Required Standard 35’ Proposed Standards for all lots 25’ Corner Yard: Porch - ETMP Required Standard 20’ Proposed Standards for all lots 15’ Living Space (1st Story) - ETMP Required Standard 25’ Proposed Standards for all lots 15’ Living Space (2nd Story) - ETMP Required Standard 30’ Proposed Standards for all lots 15’ Garage - ETMP Required Standard 35’ Proposed Standards for all lots 15’ Rear: Living Space - ETMP Required Standard 30’ Proposed Standards for all lots 10’ Development Standards for lots 13 through 22 (Along Waring Road) Rear Yard Setbacks: Living Space - ETMP Required Standard 45’ minimum Proposed Planned Development 25’ minimum A “Mitigated Negative Declaration” is proposed, declaring that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment, incorporating mitigation measures identified in the Initial Study, and subject to the appropriate conditions of approval.

Address: 3130 E. Tuolumne Road Quadrant: NE
APN: 073-016-007 Zoning District: VLDR
Application Received: 1/3/2025
Contact: Torre Reich Construction, Inc./Torre Reich – (209) 668-8721
Planner: Katie Quintero
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, April 3, 2025
Status: Under Review

Site Plans
Initial Study
Notice of Intent

Temporary Use of Land Permit 24-01

The applicant is requesting authorization to locate twenty (20) cargo containers at the Walmart building located at 2111 Fulkerth Road, Stanislaus County APN 088-016-018. The trailers will be used for storage of seasonal merchandise and freight from October 15, 2024 to January 31, 2025. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15304 [Minor Alterations to Land]

Address: 2111 Fulkerth Rd Quadrant: NW
APN: 088-016-018 Zoning District: PD166
Application Received: 10/14/2024
Contact: Brittany Croslow (209) 412-5513
Planner: Joanne Foster
Status: Approved

Site Plan

VAR 2023-01 2562 Mooneyham Ct

The property owner is requesting a variance from the required rear and side yard setbacks to allow the existing 10’x10’, 13’5” tall accessory structure (tea house) to remain in its current location of 20” from the rear property line and 33” from the side property line. The property is located at 2562 Mooneyham Court, Stanislaus County APN: 073-043-007 and zoned Planned Development 216, with an underlying zoning designation of Residential Estate (RE). The Turlock Municipal Code requires accessory structures in the RE zoning district that have a maximum overall height of 15’ to maintain a minimum setback of 10’ from the side and rear property lines. This project is in response to a complaint filed with the Building & Safety Division regarding an accessory structure located in the rear and side yard setbacks and possibly requiring a building permit. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15305 [Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations]

Address: 2562 Mooneyham Ct Quadrant: NE
APN: 073-043-007 Zoning District: PD216
Application Received: 10/11/2023
Contact: John Leoniak (516) 974-9255
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, December 7, 2023
Status: Denied - December 7, 2023 by Planning Commission

Site Plans

VAR 2024-02 (Undergrounding Utilities)

Minor Discretionary Permit 2021-01 (MDP 24-01) was approved by the City Council at the May 24, 2024 Council meeting. MDP 24-01 authorized the development of amenities for Oak Park Apartments on two parcels at 1620 N. Tully Road and 2099 Fulkerth Road, Stanislaus County APNs 088-030-004 and 088-030-005. Planning Condition #8 and Engineering Condition #19 in Council Resolution 2024-081 required the project to comply with Turlock Municipal Code Section 9-2-120 which required overhead utility lines be installed underground. TMC 9-2-120 allows applicants to request a waiver from the requirement and is contingent upon approval by the City Engineer. The applicant requested a waiver from the requirement to underground the existing overhead utility lines along the N. Tully Road and Fulkerth Road frontages because undergrounding the utility lines exceeds 25% of the overall cost of the project would require the applicant to bore under Fulkerth Road. The City Engineer denied the waiver request. The item going before the Planning Commission is the applicant’s appeal of the City Engineer’s denial of the waiver request. If the denial of the waiver is upheld the project will be required to install the existing overhead utility lines underground. If the waiver is approved, then the existing overhead utility lines and associated utility poles will remain overhead along N. Tully and Fulkerth Road frontages. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Project].

Address: 1620 N. Tully Rd. and 2099 Fulkerth Rd Quadrant: NW
APN: 088-030-004 & 088-030-005 Zoning District: CC and HDR
Application Received: 12/4/2024
Contact: Ron West (209) 985-8895
Planner: Adrienne Werner
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, February 6, 2025
Status: Under Review

Site Plan

VAR 24-01 (Self-Storage Facility)

The applicant is requesting a variance from the required 20-foot side and rear setbacks established in the Heavy Commercial (HC) zoning district of the Northwest Triangle Specific Plan located at 2820 Countryside Drive, Stanislaus County APN #088-003-072. The specific request will reduce the required 20-foot setback to zero along the sides and rear for the development of a Self-Storage Facility. This project is “Categorically Exempt” from the provisions California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section §15332 [In-Fill Development Project].

Address: 2820 Countryside Dr Quadrant: NW
APN: 088-003-072 Zoning District: CH
Application Received: 5/14/2024
Contact: Jack Suski (415) 717-2797
Planner: Kate Bailey
Public Hearing Date: Thursday, July 18, 2024
Status: Approved - July 18, 2024

Site Plans

For questions or comments about these projects, please contact:

Planning Division
156 S. Broadway, Ste. 120
Turlock, CA 95380-5456
(209) 668-5640
Monday - Friday, 8AM - 5PM

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